Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Join Our St. Francis Parish Sustainability Project
Sign-up Here!  Engage with and join in the efforts of our emerging Sustainability Team to care for God's creation, while connecting with others at St. Francis Parish. 
Resources & Organizations With Whom We Affiliate
"Catholic Theological Foundations for addressing Climate Change"  provided by Gary Koenigsknecht, our resident Seminarian, summer 2012, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish, Ann Arbor.
RECYCLE - Environmental Protection:  Users can enter their location and the materials they want to recycle, and it provides a list of local places that will take the recycling.  It also provides a map, fee information, and other helpful info. 

peace+justice-logo-s.jpgOur St. Francis Efforts from our Peace & Justice

St. Francis Parish Sustainability Project

Beyond a reasonable doubt scientists have established that climate change is occurring, it's due to human causes, it poses significant risks to our well-being, and it can be addressed through changes in energy technologies, public policies and the actions of individuals.  The Catholic Church accepts the science and takes the same position.

Here's what you can do:

1.   Educate yourself.  Go to the Sustainability page on the Parish website:

2.    Join your fellow parishioners as we build a Sustainability Project here at St. Francis.  Contact Scott Wright (734-821-2121).