Wednesday, August 29, 2012

News 3 - Sustainability Conference

St. Francis is a member of Michigan Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) a non profit that promotes energy efficiency and sustainability across faith communities. IPL is hosting a conference on
“Faith Driven Sustainability – A Moral Calling”
on Thursday, October 4, 2012, at Madonna University in Livonia.  
There will be tracks on “greening” of faith communities, schools and homes.  The cost is $50.00. Early Bird Discounts end on Sept. 21, 2012. (Prices increase by $10.)  Register at:

Join your fellow parishioners as we build a Sustainability Project here at St. Francis.  
Contact Scott Wright (734-821-2121).

News 2 - Sunday morning coffee & donuts is going Green!

Sunday morning coffee & donuts is going Green! Watch for updates as we strive to eliminate Styrofoam coffee cups and plastic juice cups. The team will need the help of each and every coffee and donuts family to make this earth friendly endeavor a reality (no worries, it's easy!). We'll have additional information in a couple weeks.

Join your fellow parishioners as we build a Sustainability Project here at St. Francis.  
Contact Scott Wright (734-821-2121).

NCR News on Public policy

Public policy pathways to renewable energy


There has been a change in much of Michigan's landscape in the last few years. From farm country in the Thumb on the east side of the state to the hill country near Ludington close to Michigan's west coast, majestic wind turbines dot the countryside. Gratiot County, among the poorest counties in the state, has been infused with ... ... 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NEWS - BetterBuildings for Michigan Program:

BetterBuildings for Michigan Program:

Are you considering improvements to make your home warm, comfortable and healthy and energy efficient before winter? Clean Energy Coalition and St. Francis identified local energy specialists that have met the high performance requirements of the Better Buildings program. For a limited time they are offering $50 assessments to show you ways you can make your home more energy efficient. To initiate this program the St. Francis rectory has undergone an energy assessment with results due soon. Enrollment in the BetterBuildings program is available through December 31, 2012 or until funds run out. Watch for additional information and sign up details in next week's Forum.

Join your fellow parishioners as we build a Sustainability Project here at St. Francis.  
Contact Scott Wright (734-821-2121).

NEWS 1 - Bill McKibben September 14

The Center for Faith & Scholarship at the University of Michigan will host Bill McKibben at Rackham Auditorium on FRIDAY, September 14 at 4:30pm. The CFS describes Bill as "one of the preeminent environmental voices of our generation and one whose religious faith informs his vision of the world and nature." His presentation is entitled "350: The Most Important Number in the World". "350" references our atmosphere's maximum desirable carbon dioxide level. Bill will discuss the human generated increase in carbon dioxide and the critical need to return to 350. As background, July's level was 394. We haven't seen 350 since October, 1989.  

The official announcement is here at The Center for Faith & Scholarship at the University of Michigan:

Join your fellow parishioners as we build a Sustainability Project here at St. Francis.  
Contact Scott Wright (734-821-2121).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Organic Farming and Food - Why Bother?

Organic Farming and Food - Why Bother?

                I want to begin answering this great question by starting with a quote from Pope Benedict on subsidiarity, which deals with keeping responsibility local.  The Pope writes, “We are all responsible for the protection and care of the environment … it is important for everyone to be committed at his or her proper level.
                How then can we be committed to helping protect the environment on our proper level?  I want to share the story of my family’s organic farm as an example.

                My parents stopped using agricultural chemicals early into their farming career.  Their decision arose from this very simple consideration.  If a corn plant is surrounded by dead weeds that have just been sprayed with herbicide, do I think that corn plant has not been affected in some way? 

While none of us want to directly ingest herbicides or other chemicals, we do eat plants that have been directly exposed to such chemicals.  This is the concern of organic farming and food – what we do to the soil impacts us, our children, and future generations.

How then can we at St. Francis shoulder our share of the responsibility? Here are some helpful questions to ask ourselves.

Do I take responsibility for the foods that I eat and how they are produced?

How do I care for my lawn and garden?
                - Lawn-care typically applies chemicals at 3 times the rate of agricultural use.[1]

Do I take responsibility for my own body and health (the most immediate gift God gives any of us) for His greater glory and service?

Gary Koenigsknecht on behalf of the Sustainability Team

1.  “Turfgrass revolution: measuring the expansion of the American lawn.” Paul Robbins, Trevor Birkenholtz. <>.