Sustainability Team Members and Friends, Subject: Your Help is Needed! - From: Stephen Lavender.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish needs your help!
* Quite possibly over the last several months during Sunday Masses you've heard one or more petitions (Prayers of the Faithful) related to care for creation. The written supply of petitions is not limitless and clearly someone has to write them! That's where you come in. We've all heard many petitions so you know the format. They should be clear and concise, conveying the community's prayers for the earth's inhabitants, the earth itself and the need to protect and care for it. Capture your thoughts during an inspired moment and send them to me at your convenience. I'll collect your petitions and forward them to the parish.
* The date for this year's Parish Picnic has been announced as Sunday, September 8. Our Sustainability Team would like to support the picnic with recycling, maybe composting and perhaps even some educational opportunities masquerading as games to the casual observer. Your thoughts and ideas on shaping our participation are welcome! If you'd like additional information, you're interested in helping or perhaps even leading our Parish Picnic Sustainability team please contact me.
Thanks everyone. Enjoy your summer and I hope to hear from you soon!
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